Friday, December 5, 2008

Part B

Full Faith and Credit(Article 4)

In article four under "Full Faith and Credit" the constitution states that congress has full responsibility for following each state's own legal actions. Each individual state can have there own individual laws that the citizens must follow. The laws from each state must be respected by the congress. The congress must leave the laws of the state to itself, giving each state it's own freedom to do as it pleases with the laws. A good example of this is the gay marriage law. A big issue in all the states is whether to allow or ban same sex marriages. Today in American, the majority of the states have banned gay marriage, many of these decisions are made by the citizens of the state. For example, California used to be a state that allowed same sex marriage but up until recently California has just had a referendum (which means the people of the state vote for whether they want the law to be adopted or not, the popular vote wins) making gay marriage banned from the state of California. Although this brings up the idea of whether this part of the constitution can be contradicted. In a way people find ways to tweak and work certain laws. An example of this is the gay couples that travel to the very few states that allow gay marriage such as Massachusetts to get married, once married they move back to the state that they take actual residence in whether the state banned gay marriage or not. I think that is the part of the constitution that ables same sex couples to be able to get married in a different state and yet live in a state that has banned gay marriage. These laws i guess are not always adopted by the people of United States, finding ways to work around them.

Highest Law of the Land/Oath of Office
The "Highest Law of the Land" is the constitution itself. The clause stating that no other government can enforce any law that will go against the constitution. After the "Supremacy of Laws" the constitution then mentions about religious beliefs, this is under "Oath of Office". It states that no persons should be excluded based on their religious beliefs or background, in my personal opinion I think of this in two different ways. First, I think of this as a good way to keep the government less judgemental towards a certain religious belief. Making it one less problem for the government to be worrying over. If they exclude a certain religious belief then they might as well start exclude people of different ethnic backgrounds as well. This makes a more "equal" and diverse government which brings up my second thought; maybe it was not just a way to make a more fair government but actually a way to win the "hearts" of the people of United States. It is a way to get the citizens of the Unite States to look upon the constitution and the government with a sense of trust and awe, trying to gain the trust of the people as well as their support. In a way it seems to me as a similar way companies try to buy their customers money. Although, not want to be such a devil's advocate, I do think that it is a pretty fair and "nice" idea to NOT exclude people of religious backgrounds thus proving my second idea of convincing people to trust the government because it sure convinced me for a second.

The 4th Amendment: Searches and Seizures
In the fourth amendment, it states that the government does not have the right to invade the privacy of the people by searching a person's home or personal belongings unless being able to provide a warrant for the searches. It also states that no person can be arrested unless they are able to provide a warrant for that as well. Although the constitution states this, there are many examples where people can find it to contradict the fourth amendment. These examples included airport searches, library searches, and random MTA searches. It definitely does contradict the amendment but it depends of a person's viewpoint towards the issue. Airports searches can be annoying and take forever to get through but it can be understood for the fact that they are searching not to invade people's privacy and annoy the people but to search for anything that can be a harm towards the people. They search for the safety of the people. Every since the incident of 9/11 airport searches have been on a much higher alert then before. There searches are to ensure there would not be another terrorist attack of any sort. Libraries on the other hand, i never really understood why they must search through people's book bags and purses. Is it because they think people might steal from the library or bomb it? What is the original purpose to searches in libraries? Personally I think the searches in the libraries very much contradict the 4th amendment without a warrant let a lone a good reason. It always depends on the viewpoint of which is more significant, the safety of the people or the safety of privacy and personal belongings.

6th & 7th Amendment: Criminal Proceedings/Civil Trials
Starting with the 6th amendment, it states that any person who is accused of a crime can have the right to defend their selves by requesting a public trial within the district. A person being accused also has the right to a lawyer to represent them in court. If a person is found guilty then they must be told of their fate or consequences for their accused crime. Following after is the 7th amendment which states that during a trial those who are involved have the right to be tried by the jury. The jury is known to have no biased views on any cased. The jury in the end decides the fate of the one who is being accused based on facts and questionings in court. This can show how the US may fear of unfairness and a bad government, it is feared that the government may use its power to unfairly convict a person of a crime whether they may be innocents or guilty. They try to keep it fair by ensuring a sense of being equal from both the accuser and the one being accused. They do this by allowing each to have a lawyer to defend their case. And by placing a jury that would not take sides and have a biased view, this ensures that a persons is not just convicted by favorites of the jury. This ensures they are not convicted the innocent person and instead the guilty person.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

ThanksGiving and Black Friday

I'm not a person that usually celebrates thanksgiving as a family. I hop around to different events people host because of the food they have prepared. I think thanks giving a a big part of the American way of life, it is a holiday where family and friends gather around to celebrate and give thanks to all the opportunities and things they have been set in front of them. They usually give thanks to the food they have, the friends they have, and there family. Although people don't exactly realize that Thanksgiving was set on a day where the Indians were killed by the Pilgrims. Why is it that we celebrate thanks on a day where there was a genocide? I think thanksgiving was not originally set to give thanks for the pilgrims killing the Indians. When I asked my boyfriend why people still celebrate thanksgiving when it was a day where many Indians where massacred, he answered in a joking manner "we are celebrating because of that reason". I think thanksgiving is just an excuse for people to have a party, eat, and get fat. Not to mention the excuse to have a ridiculous amount of sales the day after the holiday. This year, i celebrating thanks giving with my boyfriend and his large Hispanic family. It was quite interesting to me how many people with different ethnic backgrounds still celebrate thanksgiving. Whether it is black, Asian, Hispanic, or white, all of them celebrate thanksgiving even if they are not even born United States Citizens. Which brings back my idea that people don't see it as "Thanks for killing the Indians" day but see it more as a "Excuse to have a party and thank everything" day. Not forgetting about black Friday which is the single most manipulative way companies can get people to spent money on a ridiculous amount of junk. Although it is sad how people are sucked into it so much, I myself must admit it works. On black Friday I didn't wake up early in the morning to go shopping like most people do. Around the evening I got bored so I took a walk with my friend around 86 Street to see what kind of "amazing" sale that stores were having. I stepped into a Victoria
Secret and saw that they were selling bras for 34 dollars rather then there super expensive prices of around 50 dollars. I noticed that they also put up an add saying that if u spent more then 60 dollars you get a free Victoria Secrete bag with a whole bunch of goodies inside. Since i was broke i was not able to buy anything but my friend bought 63 dollars worth of underwear (which I'm not sure why anyone would spent so much on underwear) which means she was able to get the free goody bag. This amused me because the free gift was basically a crappy bag with what looks like a whole bunch of left over sample gifts of lotions, perfumes, etc. It never yet amazes me how everyone can get so hyped up over "free" things or things that my be cheaper then its original price. It made it even more ironic when I heard on the next day that a worker from Walmart died from being trampled by the mop of customers hungry for sales. It made me think the people were like zombies to have trampled a 6 foot 5 man without even noticing. It makes it really sad how society can be sucked in by companies and luxury items.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Constitution Assignment Part A

The Preamble Paraphrasing
The preamble, which is the beginning of the constitution is basically the impact of the constitution on the Unite States. The constitution enforces laws and rules fallowed to achieve a stable and peaceful society in the Unite States. To be able to make a orderly society with fairness and peace and keeping justice in society.

The Legislative Branch- Powers and Responsibilities
-The outline of the Constitution states the legislative branch to be first.
-It includes the House of Representatives and Senates.
-Creates bills that can become a law.
-Determines punishments for breaking the rules or being un-orderly.
-Controls laws of trade that the US has with other countries.
-Controls the production of money or value of the money.
-Controls the amount of money spent on the government.
-They can decide to declare war or figure out conflicts between other countries.
-They can override treaties made by the president.
-Controls the laws about tax.

Executive Branch- Powers and Responsibilities
-The head which is the president can disapprove of approve of certain laws that are made by the congress.
-When making decisions it is often made with the consent of senators (or advice).
-Qualifications for being president includes being a born Untied States citizen and have lived in the US for up to 14 years.
-The president can be known as the commander and chief of the army and the navy.
-Provides information to the congress.

Judicial Branch- Powers and Responsibilities
-Includes the supreme court which is made up of 9 Justices.
-According to the Jurisdiction, the judicial branch must extend cases including conflicts involving between two states, citizens of different states, citizens of same states, and foreign states.

Thoughts and Feelings While Reading Constitution
While reading the constitutions and taking notes I was annoyed by the fact that there was so much more to the constitution then i thought there was with the numerous amount of reading I had to do. I felt that there was a lot more information in each article then necessary. Some of the information didn't seem as relevant. It was really detailed and as if it was trying to include every specific detail as possible.I lost my focus a lot and often read the words but not really pay attention to what the reading was trying to teach or provoke. Although after rereading certain parts and start to get the hang of it, i couldn't help feeling as if i was reading a big book or list of just rules and laws and structures. I did not know whether I should take it seriously or not because in our society as we know it is still not as "stable" and "perfect" as the Constitution says it would be. Theses rules and laws seems to contradict the ideas of freedom and justice.

Insight and Questions
-What is the process of removing or adding other laws or rules into the constituions?
-How effective is the constitution on the United States? (Percentage Wise)
-When including freedom and justice for all, is this really true, what about minoraties or immigrants?

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Thoughs about Election

To be completely honest I feel like i do not fallow enough about politics going on in the United States as much as I should to have a full and complete response to the elections. But instead of using that as an excuse, I do have some thoughts about things that I have heard and seen about the elections and peoples thoughts even way before the elections. First off, I was surprised at peoples reactions and how involved people were in this years elections compared to the last elections between Bush v. Gore. I found myself knowing more facts and more curious about this years elections than any other in my life. This brings up thoughts in my mind of why?
Ive heard all this hope of change and hope just because of our new president being Obama. It makes me wonder if he is acutally going to fallow through to his plans that everyone has been talking about. While discussions in class do bring up thoughts in my mind of the fact that since we have a president who is prodominatly seen as "black" rather then "mixed", would it really give hope and cause the majority of those who are African American to raise from the stereotype of being in poverty or just make it lower? I do not personal have an opinon but my reactions to the elections mainly bring up questions and curiousity.
One thing that makes me curious is of those who were strongly voting republicans. For example is the people ive seen in this videos a while before the elections took place:

This video makes me think of how will those who were strongly against having a "African American President" react now that Obama is the president. Will they in a way suck it up and try to work around the fact that hes black. It makes me wonder why is it that it bothers them more about what he looks like rather then what he wants to give towards the country. I would think that what a person has to offer is more important thatn what they look like would more likely effect the Unite States. The people in the video dont investigate him and learn what he offers because they had their answer when they heard his name being "Barak Obama". They went along with a prejudice and now are too far along to turn back since it is offical that he is our president.


The American way of life can commenly be seen by its dominant frameworks, one of these freameworks can be recognized as capitilism. There are many perspectives and aspects to capitilism. Many people may have their own opinion of capitilism but without known the fundamental way that captilism works then their is know way to form an opinion. The real/ official definition of capitilism is: an economic system in which goods and services are produced and distrubuted, and consumed through the mechanism of free makrekts. No one is able to really understand the basics of capitilism without the understanding of the three main ideas that forms capitilism. The three ideas are Land, Labor, and Capital. These three concepts are significant part of production of a product. For example, Land is the acutally "land" the product is grown on or manufactured on, the resources on the land used to grow the product. Labor is the work and people choosen to produce and sell the product being sold. And last is Captial which is the objects (things that arent for sale) used to make the porduct or promote the product such as signs, advertisment, etc. In Capitilism, there are many stratagies behind marketing and selling a product. Busniesses try to make as much money as possible while spending the least amout of money making the product and advertising the prodcut. This can be known as profit motive. Busniesses set the price of their porduct according to what is known as the market price. Market price is the highest price the seller of a product can set their product for yet at the same time thinking of the lowest price that the cosumers are willing to pay for the product. The market price is primarily based on suppy and demand, these aspects is what can shift the marker price. Supply is the total amount of prodcuts that are for sale. Demand is the total amount of products that the consumer will buy at a certain price. A graph is what usually is used to represent supply and demand. This is obviously known as the Supply and Demand chart. The points in where the line segment of supply and demand intersect is what the market price is. This is how many busniesses find their market price for their products. If there are some senarios such as the price of a prodcut were to become lowered, you must remember that the total amount of supply stays the same as it is the "quanitity" of the suplly that acutally makes a sudden change. This new price caused by the senario can be known as the Equilibrium Price. Another senario which can be known as a "shortage" is when there are people willing to pay the price to buy a product but there are not enough products to buy, not enough products for sale. Another idea that comes up is competitions between busniesses. If there is a free market than busniesses will most likely find themselves in a competitions between many other companys selling the same products. Competitors of a busniess try to sell cheaper than other companies with the same products to gain more consumers which gains more profit. Capitilism can be found everday in our dailey lives while shopping and trying to find the best price for certain things to working to pay off debts and having a standard life. Our lives can be known to be driven by the invisable hand. The invisable hand is like the automatic direction that life will continue to go towards. The invisable hand is what automatically gives you the motive to know what to do next in life. People can have the motive towards a better life and the invisable hand is what usually helps direct them.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I, Pencil by Leonard E. Read


In the article know as I, Pencil by Leonard Read is based of the point of view of a actual pencil. In the beginning of the article the pencil tells of how much work is put into the fabrications of every detail in which the pencil is made from. The pencil explain in many details the exact components of each part of its final structure and its ancestral background of his final structure. He explains how much labor of people and skills were involved in the process of making the pencil such as the lead, the wood, the label, the eraser. The pencil keeps provoking the fact that even know he is made from such a complex process, know one really knows how the pencil was made. For example, workers who make the lead of the pencil don't even know the process of the other components of the pencil such as the wood or eraser. Near the end of the atricle the pencil speaks of freedom, the "mastermind", and the "invisible hand". When speaking of freedom, the pencil mentions that the people needed the freedom of feeling free to try new things and creating new things. The freedom of creativity, without creativity the pencil or any other product would not be possible. As the "mastermind", there is none. The pencil explains how even though there is such a complex process of making the pencil and how much the pencil is used by everyday people there is no real mastermind (or person) that thought of the real core of his creation. The pencil's creation was through the process of man kinds creativity and the need for necessities. The last point he makes is the "invisible hand" which is nothing physical but the direction in which life flows. The main lesson the pencil wants to teach is to let creativity be free to everyone and be willing to let creativity flow and let the "invisible hand" guide is to the right direction.

Quotes to support Summary

1) "Think of all the persons and the numberless skills that went into fabrication; the mining of ore, the making of steel and its refinement into saws, axes, motors; the growing of hemp and bringing it through all the stages to heavy and strong rope; the logging camps with their beds and mess halls, the cookery and the raising of all foods.""Para 6, pg 1
2)"There is a fact still more astounding: The absence of the master mind, of anyone dictating or forcibly directing these countless actions which bring me into being. No trace of such a person can be found. Instead, we find the Invisible Hand at work. This is a mystery to which I earlier refereed." Para 4, pg 2
3) "I, Pencil, am a complex combination of miracles; a tree, zinc, copper, graphite, and so on. but to these miracles which manifest themselves in Nature an even more extraordinary miracle has been added: the configuration of creative hum energies." Para 6, pg 2
4)"The lesson I have to teach is this: Leave all creative energies uninhibited. Merely organize society to act in harmony with the lesson. Let society's legal apparatus remove obstacles the best it can Permit these creative know- hows freely to flow. Have faith that free men and women will respond to the Invisible Hand." Para 4, pg 4

In most of the article the Pencil keeps provoking the fact that know one knows how complicated it is in order to make the the pencil itself. Then he goes through each process and how much work and people it is needed in order to produce the final structure of the pencil and throughout that whole description I think the author was in some sort of way trying to show the ignorance of people. Many people use the pencil every day of their lives yet most of the time people do not value the pencil for what it was made for or the fact that it was made in the first place. It even says in the article that "I am taken for granted by those who use me, as if I were a mere incident and without background.", this quote indicating that many people do not really value the every day items that they have. People don't really look at every day items such as a pencil i think "oh, i wonder what was the process in which this pencil's structure was made from?", this is definitely not a common thought. Although, looking at all the process the Pencil explain in making each part of itself such as the eraser, the wood, etc. and how much chemical components and lobor is put into making something as simple as a pencil makes me think of how much money it must have taken to produce this product. Most likely much more then of how much we buy it for in stores. I think that is one of the reason why the author makes the article in the point of view of a pencil, to give it some feeling of being "human". It gives a feeling as if it was an acutally person with feelings to try and make readers feel that the pencil's process was so much work and to actually value its process. And it helps show the author's real main idea that he wanted to provoke which is "Leave all creative energies uninhibited". This kind of tells me how without creativitity and the knowledge people are unable to really invent and make all these products around us. Ive always felt that the more needy people are in the world and the more nessesities everyone is always wanting is a waste, its just being selfish is some sort of way the the author kind of opens up the fact that without the wants for nessities and items there would really be nothing to be invented, the items around us wouldn't exist because they were made from people who wanted more. For example things that make our lives easier such as transportation, computers, stoves, etc. would not exist without someone's creativity to invent something that makes our lives easier.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Diff Peoples perspectives of the AWOL

Many people have a different definition about the American Way of life.
Many people have similar ideas and some have completely different point
of views on the American way of life. People who are not from American
such as immigrants or tourists have different perspectives of the
American way of life to those who are from America. Although, there are
also those who are from American but do not consider themselves
American. When exploring peoples ideas and perspectives of the typical
American Way of Life there were many patterns noticed as well as
completely different ideas from the patterns. These patterns include
work, money, and freedom.
When brought up the topic of the American Way of Life to those from
America many brought up a pattern of work being an important part of the
American way of life. Comparing work to the way of survival. Without
work a person can't earn money and without money a person is unable to
buy material items let alone items such as food or even shelter. Two (to
what seems to be) hispanic males both in the working class mentioned
that work is definetly a big part of the American way of life. "The
typical American way of life.... Get up, work, pay bills and take care
of my son. It can get tiring" They also mentioned that "yes" they do
live a typical American way of life.
Work is an important part of everyday American life because without work
to gain money they won't be able to have a standard living. A standard
living is many mentioned is a good typical way of life. "The American
way of life is able to have the freedom of standard living. Thats is if
you can afford the comforts." Says Robert Hillman, a caucasion male.
Freedom is another common factor that was brought up that relates to the
American way of life. Freedom such as" freedom of speech, freedom of
religion, freedom of individual rights, etc. Robert Hillman mentions
that America has " Democracy and freedom of speech, individual rights
and religon. We actually have individual democracy that works and not
many country has that". When asked to elaborate he mentioned for example
is that the people in America are allowed to call the president an idiot
or anyone part of the government and the people of America are allowed
to be in any religion without being persecuted. Freedom is a popular
idea mentioned by people when brought up the question of what do you
think is the American way of life?
When brought up the question to those who were not from America they had
some similar and different ideas about the American way of life to those
from America. The most different idea that someone brought up was a
female cacasion from Irland who said "the American way of life makes me
think of fast food, and fast everything. Everythings always in a rush"
which is something very different from people who were interview that
were actually from America. Another male from Irland mentioned that
American, especially New York is like a "rat race", and that everyone
is always working. Again work is mentioned even to those who immigrated
to America. Which can infer that no matter what, if your in America you
can find yourself stuck into the fast lane of working to survive.
Even thought freedom and work was mentioned so much, politics
specifically was only mentioned once and it was mentioned as a "non
important" part of America. The same male from Irland mentioned "money
is important, politics is not because money can buy me stuff and
politics does not do anything for me." It seems that in conclusion by
looking at all the ideas from people in America that the American way of
life is all about living in a material world and doing so is by having a
minimum to advanced pay in working in order to earn a comfortable way of
life. Being able to survive as well as afford material items.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Comments to other people:
1)your video really reflected you so much. I loved the part where you guys all were singing together and how you call yourselves Charlie's Angles. It really kind of reflects how family is important to your way of life.
Insight: Kati's video showed me that music is what her life kind of revolves around. It what connects everthing in her life. For example, music is what connects her family together such as her sisters which i can tell is an important part of her life. I think without music or mainly singing in Kati's life id be hard for her to really connect with anything.

2)I like that you put most of your neighborhood stuff into your video. lol, glad you finally got your video up after like 2938473987 hrs.
Insight: In franchesca's video i kinda of had a thought that the setting in which she lived in (downtown soho/ chamber street) really means a lot to her. She included a lot of scenes of her walking in her neighboorhood with friends. It shows me that friends is also an important aspect of her life.

3)I love the beginning where its in your point of view and your waling down into the subway and into the school.
Insight: Samantha's video included many pictures and videos of just a basic day of her everday life such as on the way to skool, in school, hanging out with friends. It gave a really mellow feeling which is what she probably wanted to reflects about her life. Daily things such as friends and hobbies is what groups patterns in her life togeather.

4)I like the Daft Punk song you put. And i love the part about your family and how they love trying different cultures. :) I didn't know that about you.
Insight: I learned a lot about Chelsea by looking at her video. Family and friends are a aspect of her life that seems really important to her which is a pretty commen thing to most people's way of life. One thing i noticed was that the different pictures of different cultural food. This in a way made me think that she is a very open person to different cultures and is a personal who is willing to learn about different backgrounds as her friends from her video also had different cultural backgrounds than from her. Chelsea provoked an idea that she seemed like a very accepting person towards other people. :)

5)Lol, I love the kingdom hearts part where you and your sister keep on turning the tv on and off. Your did a good job with showing your way of life by showing all your hobbies and family members and stuff.
Insight: Esther had many pictures and videos that included her with her older sister. I can tell that they are really close and her sister means a lot to her and is definetly a big influence to her way of life. Her video was really versatile. She showed a lot of different hobbies such as singing, sports, videogames,concerts, playing a guitar, etc. It gave me an idea that certain activities and hobbies in her life is what keeps her going.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

took me forever to figure out all this shit!
finally done. :)
This video is basically about what to expect with a day or a week with me. It first starts out with a quick clip of me starting with "This is me..." where you see a couple of clips with me. In the next scene of "This is him.." which is also a small scene of my boyfriend and my interactions with him and what we usually do which is almost basically doing nothing but sit around on most days. In the next scene where it starts with "This is everyone..." shows the people around me such as friends, people in school, etc. and how we interact and what setting I usually see them in. And at the end of the video is "This is the random..." which basically shows random things that I interact with on a daily bases such as watching television, going online, going out with friends or my boyfriend. The video basically shows a portion of people I interact with on a daily bases of my life and some things that you can find me doing on most days either by myself of with other people. The parts that you can see that are relatively significant and good to my life are the people. The people around me, whether they may be friends or just people I just see during school are what relatively make up my life. Interacting with people is a big part of my life and the things I do while interacting with people is definitely a important part of my way of life too. I think there is nothing much in this video that shows anything bad about my life. Or at least I tried not to show anything that seemed bad about my way of life. There may have been neutral parts such as the clips of the scene in "This is random.." part of the film. 
There were some things that I wanted to include in the video that I was not able too. For example, I wanted to include some of my family members like my mother but was not able to. Certainly family members (very few of them) are an important part of my way of life. I also wanted to include more clips of what I do on a daily bases such as me in school or of me outside and doing certain hobbies or things I just do for fun.

Untitled from Cloe on Vim.

The emotion I tried giving to this video is more of a cheery feeling, I wanted to give a feeling to show that certain things in my daily life is important and makes who I am today. I tried doing this with the song called "Plastic Stars" by Freezepop. The song talked about a "private galaxy", i thought this would represented my way of life through my "private galaxy" and you can try seeing this through the video. A pattern you may be able to notice is that I start with clips of me, then clips of other people, then clips of me again interacting with people or interacting with objects such as the television or the computer. You may be able to notice that in the video i focus a lot on interactions with people rather then interactions with what i do such as school or work. What seems as the good, the bad, or the neutral parts of my video can connect by me. Depending on my emotion of/ in the film effects on whether it makes the video have bad, good, or neutral parts. If a person would want their video to seem bad they would do so, but in this case I tried to shift my video more towards the side of "good". The only thing that makes a person's life bad or good is the person themselves.  
I think my way of life is what you definetily can call a typical American way of life. This is because every person's way of life in America include: friends, love, free time, interacting with people and things, and certain locations such as eating in certain restaurant, being in a elevator of a building, hanging out with friends, these things that can be found in any American person's way of life. Any person's way of life can be bad or good or okay. You may probably find a lot of these types of themes in a lot of other people's lives if they were to make a video of their way of life as well. Something I think is quite interesting in my way of life is how I interact with people in my video and the setting of many of the clips in my video. The settings can show where many teenagers spent their days in this era of America. It could change over time when people get older and is found doing different things in different locations. I know that within my lifetime as I get older a lot of the people in my video may not be in my life as time goes by which would be the history of my life. Some of those people I may still know, and their may be new people.  The mood I convey in my way of life can be change as time goes by or the locations that I am in. Many of these aspects can keep me wondering but I may or may not be able to know by just one video. I think a question i would ponder on is if their is anyways to predict of analyze how the future would be like by just looking at videos of our time? or what would people of the future infer by just looking at my video?

Monday, September 15, 2008


Testing and yeahh..