Thursday, February 5, 2009

More Birth Stores

Birth 1) My Brother's birth Story: From Father Perspective
When my moms pregnant with my brother, and as soon as the water broke my father and mother went straight to the hospital, they didn't rush but definitely were nervous and didn't really know that it would take hours of waiting till the actually labor. Since it was my mother's first time she was very nervous and they both went straight to the hospital thinking that it wasn't more then a couple hours till she would give labor. Little did they know it took around 24 hours till the baby starting to come out. When my brother came out, my father stated that he came out very active, him eyes were open, he had a full head of hair, and was looking up and everyone as if someone shocked. "If he could it seemed like he would have ran straight across the room, away from us if he could" my dad said. After my dad was able to cut the umbilical cord, which he was able to do the same for me he was grossed out and surprised at home rubbery it was. They were again only able to hold the baby for a few till they took the baby off into another part of the hospital. Afterward they were able to hold the baby and nurse it but that was not till a while later. After that my father made many calls to as much family members as he could think of, my grandfather, aunt, uncles, etc. (Most of them were on my mom's side of the family). Some feelings my father had was nervousness and thought that everything was very intense because even though they had to wait such a long amount of time till they it was time for labor, as soon as it was time for labor everything boomed into a sudden rapid speed, it was a lot of anxiety. My father said that you really have to be ready or you'll be stuck in mass confusion and be left behind for being able to see the process. As for expectations, it wasn't exactly what he expected because it was so fast, there was so much blood and "gore" that it made it kinda scary for that is not something seen on a daily bases. What would have made it a more wonderful or better experience is that if there was more family there for support or just to be there because it was just my mom and my dad alone. The equipment that they used for what he can remember was some sort of sonogram monitoring the stomach so they can see whats going on to the baby while giving labor, just in case the baby was turning and was coming out the wrong way or whatever reason. He was very confident and comfortable with the hospital and believed that the equipment and techniques of the hospital was safe.
Birth 2)My Birth Story (More details then "thoughts on birth blog")
Unlike my brother I remember my mom would tell me it was much more comfortable having me in her rather then my brother because my brother use to move and kick and make it really uncomfortable for her to the point where she would have to sleep in totally weird positions like curled up and on her chest (hard to explain how she does that). Anyways, I am the youngest and my brother was the first child, as my mom's water broke in the house my father, my brother, and her lived in, my father and mother drove to the hospital leaving my brother with a baby sitter/ nurse. They drove calmly since it was their second time they knew it would take FOREVER till she actually will go through labor. At that point my mom was having contractions but none of which was making her struggle painfully, her contractions were about every hour. Since they knew it would take hours and hours of waiting and my mom thought it would be a good idea being her womanly self to do a little shopping. My father parked a block and around the corner to the hospital (Lenox Hill) as she dragged my father along to go look at some clothes, shoes, etc. After about half an hour or so they decided to just head to the hospital. In the room they waited....and waited...and waited and waited as the contractions go more stronger and more painful. Although my mom was able to take is better since it was the second time. Plus the epidermal that was given to her. My father was getting really tired and fidgety. The nurses were just..nurses, talking they way they were trained too but doing so also made my parents feel that the doctors and the nurses were well trained giving them confidence. They were much more ready for the long hours or waiting then the sudden boom of rushing, sweating, paint and gore this time since they knew what was coming. Skipping to my mom actually giving labor my father stated there was a very nurse that annoyed my mom as she kept of squeaking "come on push push, common push push" over and over like a cheerleader. My father remember that when i came out i had a full head of black hair, he was also able to cut the umbilical cord just like he was able to do with my brother. He stated that I was quite calm coming out and wasn't quite as shocked, with eyes wide open such like my brother. He said the method they use wasn't really any different then the birth of my brother's. When i asked him what would have made it more wonderful he again said it would have been a lot better if there was more family support as they were on their own. Another typical thing that there were picture taking of me just as I came out and a few mintues after when i was cleaned up as a little baby. I still have those pictures today. :) (there kinda gross yet at the same time i feel a certain awe when i found them).
Birth Story 3) Mother's perspective (anonymous
We shall call this person "Amy" because i want to keep the name confidential because I am not sure if this person is comfortable having her birth story told. When Amy's water broke she was working in a factory in queens. She was somewhat shocked but didn't feel rushed. She called her husband to come picker her up, when she was picked up they did not take a taxi or a car but took the subway since they did not live that far from where she worked. They took there time, when they went home they picked up some clothes and other necessities for there stay at the hospital. That is when they called the ambulance which then took them to the hospital. There stay at the hospital was much more difficult a longer then what they thought as there was a lot of complications. Although the nurses and the doctors, from what she said, was very kinda and patient. The machines they used were old fashion machines back in the 1987. She suffered excruciating pains even after the epidermal. This mainly was because the baby's arm was stuck behind it's back, this caused a lot of complications for the baby come out. In the end they had to do a C-section in order to get the baby. It was a very scary experience for she was almost near death because the pain was so excruciating and she had high blood pressure. The whole process took two full days. She said it would have been a more wonderful experience if it didn't take that long and if there wasn't as much complications as there was. There wasn't any other family member there but her and her husband and the methods were the basics, her on her back. They did not allow any pictures or video tapping and made her husband wait outside the labor room. This is really different they what they do today because today you are allowed to have the husband in the same room from most of the stories I hear from. Maybe its because of different hospital regulations. In the end it was very exhausting and at first she stated that she didn't really look forward to another experience like that one but obviously she went for it because she wanted to try for a baby girl since she had a baby boy. She ended up with 3 sons and no girls and she says that she is still happy with her sons.

Birth story 4)anonnymous
We'll just call this mother "carol" because I'm not dure if the mother is comfortable having her birth story told. Her wster broke while dhe was getting some food from the kitchen and for some reason she was kind of shocked because she wasn't expecting it at that momment. They drove to the hospital as they had a car back then. They didn't rush but they did want to get there as soon as possible. When they got to the hospital she was kind of annoyed because no one was really payin her any attention. There was contractions like every 20 minutes, they hurt but they weren't too extreme and she could take it. She was on the hospital bed and there were monitors and other "hospital equipment" as she called it. There was pain around "down there" but she took the pain and didn't find it anything that was suppose to be unusual. When a doctor finally got to her and checked her he told her that she was actually giving labor. From then on everything was a rush as many other people came in strapping on booties' masks, and gloves. They allowed her husban in the room but they wanted him to stand off on the side. They told her to breath a deep breath in and as she exhaled to push and that was the thing that sirt of annoyed her because she didn't thing it helped at all and made ir more diffuclt then if she would have just pushed and breathed her way. In the end she had a baby boy, it wasn't her first birth so she said maybe that is why she took the pain a little better then she did the first time. One thing she said would have made it a better experience is if the doctors were less demanding and more fufilling to her needs. All and all the whole process took around 7 hours.

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