Monday, July 13, 2009

Possible Topics?

I can't really think of a lot but...

One possible topic can be our fascination with social networking. For example like facebook, myspace, etc. Something that EVERYONE is pretty much familiar with. What was our orginal way of social networking and basically socializing before all these facebook and myspace. And why do we need these certain internet networks to socialize?

Also I haven't gotten too far in the book but at least I am reading it, most of the time I would brush off a book by now. I wish I was a better reader like most people :(
But before I read the book I read the summary on Wikipedia to get an idea of the story and the story sounds a lot like the movie "The Island" accept with a different structure and it is mainly kids rather then adults.

1 comment:

Juggleandhope said...


could you figure out some activities, readings, field trips, questions, etc to flesh out the virtual friendship thing?

i just read the wikipedia plot summary - pretty accurate and clear. i wonder how its affecting your experience of the novel to know the plot in advance. i don't think it will necessary make it worse but will definitely make it different.